Past Life Astrology Reading

“Who was I?”

A past life astrology chart reading uses special techniques to study your birth chart and discover details of your prior incarnation.

Details include your past life personality and temperament, circumstances you found yourself in, and the Karma you created and brought into your present lifetime. 

🌀 Soul’s Timeless Journey: Delve into past lifetimes reflected in your chart, uncovering ancient patterns and karmic debts.

Wisdom from Yesteryears: Reconnect with forgotten talents and lessons to empower your present journey and destiny.

🔮 Heal & Evolve: Discover past life narratives to address unresolved issues, fostering deeper healing and spiritual growth.

past life astrology reading

Benefits of a Past Life Astrology Reading

Some of the benefits of a past life astrology reading include:

Understand your soul’s journey:

Discover insights into why you have incarnated in this life and what you are here to learn.

Discover why certain patterns repeat for you:

Understand the patterns of your past lives and how they have led you to where you are today.

Gain clarity on important relationships:

Find out why you are drawn to certain people, what shared Karma you may have, and why certain people challenge you in certain ways.

Develop greater self-awareness:

By understanding your past lives and how they have influenced your current life, you can develop greater self-awareness and make more conscious choices.

Embrace your unique gifts:

An evolutionary astrology reading can help you identify your unique gifts and talents, allowing you to fully embrace and express them in the world.

What Does a Past Life Astrology Reading Involve?

When you purchase or book a reading you will book in an online Zoom reading for a specific time and date. These live readings allow you to ask questions and gain specific insight as we work together to uncover your unique story. You can also have a recording of the Zoom meeting emailed to you after, available for download for you to rewatch.

What Details Are Required?

To have the most accurate reading possible I will need:

  • Your birth time (as accurate within 20 minutes as possible)
  • Your birth date
  • Your birth location (city and country) 

How to Book

Past Life Astrology Reading MP3 (40 Mins)

Past Life Astrology Reading via Zoom (60 Mins)

In this session we explore your prior life story through your birth chart, with plenty of opportunities for you to ask questions. Book in for a 60-minute online past life astrology reading conducted over Zoom.


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