
Coaching is available for when you want additional readings, on-going support, or a session that does not fit my standard reading formats. I often work with people looking for spiritual guidance. Many of which find having the support of a like-minded individual a positive addition to their inner work.

Our work together might include:

  • Looking at your astrology in greater depth (birth chart, past lives, transits and progressions)
  • Delving deeper into areas of interest such as emotional or spiritual healing, relationships, or career
  • Using additional tools such as crystal divination or oracle cards
  • Providing you with specific goals, techniques, or areas to focus on  
astrology spiritual coaching

The Benefits of Coaching

Some of the benefits of this type of coaching include:

Building an on-going relationship with your astrologer:

This allows us to really examine your chart in depth, and provide you with guidance during the evolving journey of your transits and progressions.

Make sense of what is happening and why:

This allows you to integrate the lessons of the universe more easily.

Enhance your intuition:

Learn how to connect more deeply with your own intuition.

Fresh perspective:

Discover new techniques or benefit from an external ‘pair of eyes’.

Positivity boost:

Feel happier and more fulfilled in life.


Benefit from on-going accountability in your soul work.

What Does a Coaching Session Involve?

Coaching sessions are typically conducted live via Zoom, allowing you flexibility and accessibility. They are usually 50-60 minutes long, but the content varies from person to person, and session to session.

We will be guided by what is coming up for you at that time, or by the specific goals or intentions you’ve come to the session with. After a chat to establish your feelings, ideas, or goals, we will come up with an action plan for the remainder of the session (or course of sessions) and begin to dive in.

By the end of your session we will have established a plan for the right techniques, actions, or ‘homework’ for you to concentrate on. This might be specific activities (such as a certain meditation or journaling prompts), an area to be aware of, or a new attitude or ‘truth’ to begin integrating into your life.

Like all spiritual growth, our path is experimental and messy, so our sessions are free-flowing and adaptable to reflect this. Have your sessions on a set schedule, or book them in as and when you need them. I offer single sessions or packages to reflect these different needs. This coaching is also not an established ‘programme’ or curriculum because each individual has an entirely unique soul journey.

To enquire about coaching, send me a message.