Astrology Birth Chart

“Who am I?”

A birth chart reading looks at where the planets (and some other placements) were at the time of your birth. It is believed that these reveal details about an individual’s personality, relationships, life experiences, purpose, talents, and challenges. 

🌌 Unlock Cosmic Insights: Dive deep into your unique astrological blueprint to uncover strengths, challenges, and personal growth opportunities.

Tailored Life Guidance: Receive personalised insight, crafted from the intricate alignment of stars and planets during your birth.

🔮 Journey of Self-Discovery: Embrace a transformative experience that illuminates your life’s purpose, relationships, and future pathways.

astrology birth chart readings

Benefits of a Birth Chart Reading

Some of the benefits of a birth chart reading include:


A reading can help you develop a deeper understanding of yourself, your desires, and your motivations.

Relationship insights:

Gain insight into what you need and desire from relationships, whether they’re romantic, platonic, or professional.

Life purpose:

Gain clarity in your life purpose and what you are meant to achieve in this lifetime.


Help you make better decisions by providing you with insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and potential challenges.


Identify and heal past wounds that may be holding you back.

Spiritual growth:

Connect with your spiritual path and deepen your understanding of the universe.

What Does a Birth Chart Reading Involve?

When you purchase or book a reading you will have the option of a shorter MP3 recorded reading, or a longer live online Zoom reading.

MP3 Reading:

I will voice record your reading so that you can listen to it again and again.

Zoom Reading:

We will meet on a specific time and day online via Zoom to look at your chart together. You can ask questions and gain specific insight live. You can also have a recording of the Zoom meeting emailed to you after, available for download for you to rewatch.

What Details Are Required?

To have the most accurate reading possible I will need:

  • Your birth time (as accurate within 20 minutes as possible) – I can do a reading without your birth time but it reduces the amount of information available to me.
  • Your birth date
  • Your birth location (city and country) 

How to Book

Birth Chart Astrology Reading MP3 (40 Mins)

Birth Chart Astrology Reading via Zoom (60 Mins)

Book in for a 60-minute online birth chart reading conducted over Zoom. These sessions are conducted live on a specific time and date chosen by you at the time of booking. In this session we explore your birth chart, with plenty of opportunities for you to ask questions. 


Book an appointment with Astrology Chart Readings using Setmore